3rd prize BIOPOLYMER Award 2021

Genisys GmbH & Co.KG
Hahnbach (Germany)

Biodegradable pegs for robotic lawnmower boundary wire

Genisys GmbH & Co. KG from Hahnbach in the Upper Palatinate is a dealer for robotic lawn mowers and accessories. The product range also includes plastic pegs for the boundary wire of the automated lawn mowers. Company boss Richard Götz did not want to simply accept the fact that a large proportion of the approximately ten-centimetre-long pegs would presumably remain in the ground forever, even though the mounts would be superfluous after a few weeks - and successfully searched for a biodegradable plastic.

Jury statement

Before a robotic lawnmower can buzz through a garden, an average of 500 cable holders have to be sunk into the ground. They are used to fix boundary wires that prevent the automated lawn care robot from breaking out of its assigned biotope. Genisys alone sells six million of these ground pegs per year, which gives an idea of the size of the global market. This is precisely why company owner Richard Götz couldn't get over the thought that some of these mounts would remain in the ground forever and decompose into microplastics, even though they would actually become superfluous after a few weeks when the cable had grown into the lawn. The head of the family-run company began researching biodegradable plastics that could replace the ecotoxic ABS plastic. This search took more than five years. The fact that Richard Götz did not allow himself to be dissuaded from his goal by numerous setbacks during this time, in addition to the everyday challenges in his core business as a retailer, and that he did not shy away from extensive investments and ultimately found a convincing solution with the company FKUR, was recognized by the jury with the 3rd prize.

Contact Genisys

Genisys GmbH & Co. KG
Sulzbacher Straße 7
92256 Hahnbach



Fördergemeinschaft für Polymerentwicklung und Kunststofftechnik
Peter Putsch
Brandisstraße 4
06217 Merseburg


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